Friday, May 13, 2011

The Big (Blog) Move

When I was pregnant with Claire, I started blogging. I wanted to feel connected to all our family during that life-changing experience and I wanted them to feel connected to the pregnancy and our future baby. It worked out so well, that I planned to continue blogging after the birth so everyone could read stories and see pictures as our little one grew. Fast forward to today. The last post on my blog was announcing the birth of our daughter. She'll be 2 years old next month and I haven't posted a single picture or cute kid story since she was born. I gave myself a pass for the first few weeks because, let's be honest, new parenthood is overwhelming. But two years?!? I really have no excuse. I want to have a record of the cute things she does, the milestones she hits, and pictures of that adorable smile for my own memories as much as for the family. So, time to bring back the blog. Problem is, the old blog just doesn't fit for my active toddler, so we moved. Carnett Chronicles will be all about the many adventures of our young family life (mostly, cute kid stories). Hope you enjoy!

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