Sunday, November 4, 2012

Telling Claire

After our 14 week appointment, we decided it was time to tell Claire. I ordered a big sister shirt, gift wrapped it with a pretty pink ribbon, and grabbed some books about becoming a big sister.

After Claire's nap, Josh and I sat down with her to read one of the books. When we finished the book, we presented her with the gift (the big sister shirt) and explained that she was going to be a big sister. When we told her there was a baby growing in my tummy, she looked confused. She stared at my belly, then put her face right up against it.

"But I don't see a baby."

She wanted proof! So I pulled out the latest ultrasound pictures and showed her the baby. Her eyes lit up and she said, "Awww, it's so cute!" From that moment, she has fully embraced the idea of  being a big sister. Here's a picture of her in her new big sister shirt.

She talks about "our baby" and sometimes even calls it "my  baby", and I love that she sees this baby as her own. She asked for her own ultrasound picture of the baby, which she actually slept with for several days until we convinced her to move it to her bookcase. She tells random strangers at restaurants that there's a baby in my tummy. She whispers "secrets" to the baby in my belly (should I be concerned that they're already plotting together?). And when we go to the store, she's always asking to buy things for the baby. I tell her we should wait to find out if our baby is a girl or a boy before we buy things, so we haven't done much shopping yet. But this Friday, we're hoping to find out the gender, so there is definitely a onsie shopping spree in our future!

I'll update after Friday's ultrasound, but if anyone wants to guess whether we'll need pink or blue, feel free to comment and cast your vote!

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