Claire and I went to the shoe store today because she outgrows her shoes faster than a rabbit family outgrows their cage. We found a pair of shoes that seemed to fit, but I wanted her to walk around in them to make sure they wouldn't rub her feet. She was eager to get out of her stroller, but I wanted her to agree to a few ground rules first. The conversation went something like this...
Me: Claire, would you like to get out of your stroller and walk around in these shoes?
Claire: I want to get down.
Me: Okay. We're only going to walk, okay? No running.
Claire: I want to get down.
Me: Are you going to walk? No running?
Claire: No running.
Me: Okay. When it's time to go bye-bye, will you get back in the stroller?
Claire: No.
Me: Mommy can't let you down if you won't get back in the stroller.
Claire (whiny voice): I want to get down.
Me: You can get down if you will get back in the stroller when it's time to go bye-bye. Can you do that?
Claire: No.
Me: You can't get down if you won't get back in the stroller. Will you get back in the stroller?
Claire: No. (Thinking for a moment...) I have a question.
Me (stifling a laugh): Okay. What is your question?
Claire: Can I get down?
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