Josh & I had a visitor this morning. It actually started sometime in the middle of the night, when Claire suddenly yelled out for me. I went to check in on her, but by the time I put on my glasses and walked to the door, she was quiet again. Since it sounded like she was already back asleep, I decided to do the same. A few hours later, Claire woke up to start her day. I heard her start talking to her toys and singing songs over the monitor. Then, I heard a door, followed by someone rattling our bedroom door. For a moment, I thought it was Josh leaving the room, but I looked over and saw him still lying next to me, obviously confused by the noises we just heard. "What was that noise?" I asked. "That's a good question," he said as he headed for the door. I found my glasses and started to walk toward him. There was our Claire, standing at our door. Apparently, she had climbed out of her crib, opened her bedroom door, and was coming to greet us with her sweet toddler smile.
So, it's time for a big girl bed. Claire's crib doesn't have a toddler rail, so we went to the store to find her a toddler bed. Josh set up her new bed this evening and Claire loved it!
I really thought she would be a little nervous about her first night in the new bed, but she could not have been more excited. She was rushing us through her bedtime routine and asking us to turn out the light before we even brushed her teeth. When it was finally time for her to get in bed, she practically sprinted to it. She had a huge grin on her face when we tucked her in. We haven't heard a peep from her room, so I think (fingers crossed) that she might actually stay in her new bed. We'll see how nap time goes tomorrow, but so far, Claire loves her big girl bed. I guess I shouldn't be surprised. She loves all things "big girl".
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