Sunday, October 30, 2011

Update and Cute Kid Pictures

Okay, I'm feeling much better today. I saw the doctor and she is running some tests to see if we can find a cause for these miscarriages. Yesterday, I gave what felt like half my blood to be tested for a variety of disorders, imbalances, and defects. Hopefully we'll find something minor and treatable so this won't happen again. The doctor did warn me that sometimes they run all the tests and still don't find anything conclusive, so we'll just have to wait and see. For now, I'm no longer in the "angry phase", so there won't be any ranting in this post. ;-) And since we all made it through my venting in the previous post, I think we've earned some cute kid pictures!

Yesterday, we took Claire to a Halloween Kids Night Out. She got to wear her costume, decorate cookies, and go trick-or-treating. She had a blast!

Of course, that was a lot of activity for a two year old and she was up well past her usual bedtime. She was so exhausted that she apparently didn't even have the energy to climb all the way into her bed before falling asleep.

Even after a good night's sleep, she's still been a little zombie-like all morning. She did, however, have the presence of mind to add a cute sweater dress over her pajamas - always the fashionista!

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